
mile mark 300

odometer: 312.5

This weekend, I passed the 300-mile mark on my scooter. That may not seem like a long way to those of you with bigger engines, but considering that my entire scooting experience has been confined to the area near my Columbia, Maryland home, I think that’s a pretty big achievement. After all, that’s the equivalent of scooting clear to New Haven, Connecticut; Raleigh, North Carolina; or Wheeling, West Virginia! At my maximum speed of 42 mph, that would be more than seven hours of continuous riding …. unless I was headed to Wheeling, in which case the ride would be much, much longer (thanks to all those mountains).

The scooting weather this weekend was a bit chilly, so I had to bundle up and wear my Christmas balaclava, a fancy stretchy thing designed to keep the wind off your face and neck. It’s sort of like the Survivor buff, I suppose. Thanks, Santa!

While I'm at it, I’d also like to shout out to all those cheery motorcyclists who include me in the club for waving, and send a big old f*ck you to the nasty chick in the white ragtop Mustang who nearly ran me off the road at Centennial Lane and Route 108. Wait your turn, biyatch!

1 comment:

Jenny V said...

Whoa - did you just say that in your blog?!