
Welcome Spring! Hooray for the First Scoot of the Season!

Normally, March is a total pisser here in Maryland. The temperature swings wildly and we can hardly sprint from our houses for all the rain, rain, rain that drenches our yards and our spirits. But this weekend, the scooter gods must be smiling on us. Here it is, the first week in March, and I got to take Pete Lee out for his inaugural ride of 2009!

I was a little worried to get back in the saddle (so to speak) after the long winter, but I am delighted to report that it’s, well, just like riding a bicycle. Jen and I were zipping along all over Columbia, me on the Met and her on the newly inspected Suzuki Samurai (650 cc motorcycle). She was very kind to ride slowly for me, but while we’re both still getting our sea legs about us I think we could both exercise a little extra caution.

Although we had no problems with the riding itself, I am sad to note that the winter doldrums seem to have dulled the senses of our fellow motorists. Twice, we were nearly run down by cars whose drivers were chatting on their cell phones or just driving recklessly. Slow down out there, folks! When the weather gets nice, two-wheeled vehicles of all types emerge and you need to be extra cautious out there on the road and particularly in parking lots. Keep an eye out for motorcycles, scooters, bicycles, llamas (just kidding), and pedestrians!

1 comment:

Steve said...

Glad you got out there. I rode over to the gas station on Saturday and rode to work today. Hope to squeeze in a few more days before the temperatures drop this week!