an interesting bit of info for those of you that have replaced your gas-guzzler with a scooter for commuting. Plan ahead!
"You Can't Just Turn Up for a Tuneup"
The Washington Post
Monday, September 8, 2008; Page D02
Cheap to fill and easy to park, scooters are hot. So the list is long for tuneups.
Leonard Merriman's motor scooter is an integral part of his job delivering pizzas for Domino's. Faster than a bicycle and easier to park than a car, it's the optimal mode of transport to jet from the L Street outpost of the pizza mega-chain to the homes and offices of his customers. A day without his scooter is sure to be a day when he makes less money. So when he called the Vespa service center in Silver Spring to schedule maintenance, he was disappointed to hear he'd have to wait a month....
(read the rest of the article here)
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